Inteliair® Accredited by the Carbon Trust

We are delighted that Western Air Ducts (UK) Ltd. and Inteliair® have been accredited by the Carbon Trust following being:

“independently assessed by the Carbon Trust and met or exceeded criteria designed to examine their capability and proven track record of delivering thoughtful, well-designed energy efficient and renewable energy systems. As part of the robust assessment process, the Carbon Trust takes into consideration a number of case studies, and feedback from client references regarding the suppliers’ performance.”

This provides our customers with the opportunity to claim funding via the “Carbon Trust Green Business Fund.”

Get in touch with Inteliair®

Energy Reduction Calculator

Energy Cost Reduction Calculator

Expected energy savings per fan is 40% therefore

trees* planted annually

*A medium growth coniferous tree, planted in an urban setting and allowed to grow for 10 years.

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